A His and Her view of our house.

Our house was originally a Commercial Bank building in the main street of Wentworth, NSW.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The blackboard to which Georgia alludes

01 Queen Street,1983 and I was in France

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ma Vie en Rose

 I've got some garden photos that don't really belong on Tirra Lirra so I've decided to indulge myself and get this blog going again.  Cheating a bit with the above cos Steve was given these roses by a fellow student who he helped out.  Note that they are in the pot he made some years ago in Adelaide.
Here we have another of my long-term plans come to fruition (like the bougainvillea gnash wail).  This Crepuscule rose is planted on the southern side of the fence so received no sunlight until it reached deck height.  Now it's doing exactly what I had envisioned.  I always thought Crepuscule was a particularly unattractive name - but it means 'dawn' doesn't it?
Bit of cutesy for you.  I wanted the seaside daisy to take over the old tank stand, and it is.
Don't think I've blogged previously the fabulous outdoor (outhouse door, actually) blackboard Steve made me.  Don't know how we managed without it.