Thought I'd better capture a bit of Autumn colour before I leave.
A tendril of Glory Vine and Steve's chillis in the back garden. Note the ubiquitous galvanised fencing - every Australian back garden .
Now we are upstairs in my room. It's actually raining today so I had the lamp on this morning. Rosie was obviously loathe to get up! You can see that I've started packing. I also have a lot of wet clothes still on the line. And you can see that I didn't bother tidying up for you. Aren't mirrors tricky things?
This is looking back to where I took the previous photo. I was trying to capture the golden leaves outside the window. The space is a verandah which has been glassed in. Rosie continues to snoozzzzzzzzze on...
It's afternoon now, so I had another go at the autumn leaves outside the window.
That's better. Then thought I'd see what the tree looked like from downstairs:
Not quite so effective. This photo is taken of the The Gallery space from the office / library. The blue couch is from where I took the previous photo of the gallery.
The Provincial
1 month ago
Nice to see your quilt in use. I remember when we stayed in that room- it was lovely.
ReplyDeleteWasn't that clever of me!!! Totally serendipitous - I do love that quilt. Recently I've started with it at night, then had to pull on another quilt in the early hours of the morning. The world need to know these things...